We have a deep friendship that I treasure.
Elton is full of love and deep sorrow. He is fighting so our soul family can reunite. They are keeping me away from my spiritual compatriots because our unity is a threat to luciferian controlled banking and government systems.
I will meet you and it’s going to be such a pleasant time. Elton is very supernatural and I do feel his presence quite often.
The ‘whilst’ sticks out in the graphic above. If you are a fly on my wall you know whilst is what I would call a “cute British word” and they tickle me enormously when I hear them.
WHILST = 589312 = Create Understanding & Resurrection For The Famous Global Couple = 28 = Trapped Couple = 1 = Leadership
Elvis and Elton have it in common that they are both somewhat shy and reserved yet they play these big characters on the world stage. The real people are what I have been trying to share with you. They are stuck playing characters and the script is being written by D and her friends.
The chart above shows what is really happening with Elton. He is a Love Justice Warrior who is unstoppable.