Kathie Lee Gifford

“We are constantly being framed and forced to commit D’s crimes for her. She cannot control the public for her banking sponsors without our cooperation - but we are surrounded and we are being threatened. Everything you are saying is true. We are trapped in a nightmare and we are in mortal danger because the system works for the monster torturing us and the public through us.”

Kathie Lee is showing me that she is being forced to play a role which is not really her and it’s the same kind of role the mafia was trying to mind control me into playing: the submissive evangelical “Christian” wife.

They sure did try ramming me into thinking that was a “good” role when it was really HK and D doing their best to neutralize my power. You are busted D. Your mind control doesn’t work when everyone is comparing notes about it.

The GOOD role is really to do everything possible to remove D and her Sabbatean Frankist Luciferian sponsors from power by any means necessary as soon as possible.

Our synastry shows 2 particularly intense slavery fighters.

Every time I hear how we are all being tortured and separated by D so she can round up children for vampires more easily, I am so mad. GO AWAY D. Leave us alone.

Kathie Lee’s chart shows a supernatural activist who is here to combat injustice.