John Goodman

D cannot express herself honestly from her mafia perch but despite all of the traps and torture and set ups, we can still get our points across.

Our synastry reflects badass revolutionaries fighting for real freedom.

The mafia put D in charge of suppressing and torturing me and these great artists. She has created so much fury which we are directing straight back at her right now. We want the mafia to be sorry they put someone so mentally incompetent and vain over us.

What I think happened is that 1 of the most evil mind controllers was HK. He did a real number on me and his precious little pet D.

Does D know how mind controlled she is? She was encouraged and promoted for doing evil. I was tortured for doing good.

I don’t think HK was ever secretly on my side but I guess he was because he left the dumbass in charge who is bringing down the whole show for the banking vampires who hide behind her.

Elvis shows me the garbage she is trying and we laugh about it.

All over John’s chart we seeing the caring supernatural person fighting slavery through media.