Mad Men Creator Matthew Weiner

“Mad Men is about you. Under the table we’ve all been trying to shift culture so honesty and justice will prevail. We cannot do that with you locked up in a mafia prison. We cannot do that unless you help release us from ours. This can only be done through overthrowing D and her vampire friends. There is no way around this. Either we live or they live. We are all being forced to face the music. Hopefully not D’s.”

Matthew is telling me my spirit is a muse and guide to him although I’m just realizing it now.

“Many are following this voice to turn it around for humanity. There is a demon infestation and endless brainwashing to keep this onslaught covered up.”

Matthew says “We are very right to go after D. She is propping up the banking vampires behind her. They flatter her and make her feel important because she rounds up children for them to eat.

“This is the character of 1 of the top rulers of this planet. We are being framed and intimidated and forced to commit D’s crimes for her.

“We want her gone from our lives now.”

We see the Empath on a mission fighting mafia slavery in Matthew’s natal chart.