Thora Birch

I could not miss that there seemed to be a connection between me and Thora but I dismissed it, of course. It would be so CRAZY to even ponder such a thing. Just so you see how mental traps from the owners of media work. We are brainwashed to believe the opposite of the truth.

Almost all of the charts we are inspecting have strong connections between the Sun and Jupiter. This 1 in particular. The Sun + Jupiter = An Attraction.

What is coming out is that empaths have a certain charisma that makes us targets for the slimy unattractive types that like to tie us up and hide behind us while they exploit and take what could’ve been our decent lives. That’s why I want people to note these patterns. It’s because of this predilection toward fame that we are targeted by the banking mafia.

Thora’s chart shows a powerful lightworker on a mission concerning media & slavery.

I can sense Thora’s spirit. She is extremely sweet and sad. The more I find out what’s going on behind the scenes, the more sick to my stomach I am that these sensitive people are caught in a sex and death cult which is framing and trapping them. These people are being ripped off in every way you can imagine while a tale is spun around them about how great they have it.

They tell me this and I agree: I am lucky I was stuck outside of that world. I wanted so much to be involved but it’s all fake. The silver lining is that they have been Donnie Brasco trying to turn it around but the cost has been WAY TOO HIGH.

Thank you Thora for letting me know you better. I dream of a day where even I could talk to you in the material world. We need to stand up to mafia ABUSE united.

What D has been doing to these talents has gotten them to the point where all they think about is how to get her away from them. Now that’s all I think about too. Let’s all think about it.