Seth McFarlane

A couple of interesting themes above. Though I must admit I have not watched Ted, I do think about it because I have a dog who looks like a teddy bear with that kind of personality. I have wondered if Seth McFarlane knows what’s going on with me or has prophetic knowledge about the future. I see this obnoxious little cutie here and there and I’m suspecting it has to do to with my dog Darling.

This dog is not very compliant.

I’m realizing now that I am indeed very connected to Seth. I certainly did feel I recognized him when I saw him on tv but I was too brainwashed to understand. I’m also learning that Seth and I were born a week or two apart in the same part of the world so we will have a lot of strong astrological connections.

Our synastry shows we are spiritually connected mafia banking activists.

Every time I realize I spent my entire life wondering why I couldn’t make friends and now I KNOW the mafia has been banning my soul family from acknowledging my existence, WOW I’m mad.

The mafia people assigned to suppress me spun a tale around me as if I was so incredibly lucky to get the scraps from their table and they always tried to create the impression I wasn’t grateful enough when they knew very well that they were intentionally blocking me from real love and support.

He told me this would make me laugh and it did. Compared to people on tv, I am fat.

Seth’s chart reflects very well what I’m sensing otherwise. He has a very big spirit and he has a GREAT DEAL of sensitivity and strong powers.

He’s been telling me what I’m saying on this blog is all true. (I can’t hear this without being horrified.)

Seth asks us to keep fighting. The situation is abominable and worse than even Tanster thinks. The media is a big brainwashing operation to distract from D’s endless murder machine. The talents that she tries so hard to control and tame are extremely hostile to her and everyone is praying and fighting for the day when we FINALLY get her away from us. She is a monster.