Publisher Frank Parlato is telling me

Frank Parlato is someone that I raked over the coals relentlessly. Now he’s coming through to me. He is extremely emotional about what is going on right now.

A little background: After I was involved with that guru, I was guided to become bellicose which I did not want to do but I was ordered to do it from above and that was the end of it. Then I fell into 1 setup after another. 1 of those setups involved Frank Parlato.

He has a blog named the Frank Report which was covering NXIVM. It was broadcasting disinformation because he is caught in this infernal machine like everyone else and he wants out. He was never against Tanster. Of course it was D pulling the strings in the background. She is an insane monster like everyone else is saying and he wants her out of his life as well.

Our synastry reflects what I’m hearing: we are warriors fighting a love crusade.

I apologize to you Frank for the abject misery I caused you. I will remove anything with your name on it immediately. I want a fresh start please with you. I understand that you are a hundred percent sincere in what you are saying. Please forgive me for the horrible pain I caused you. It is most certainly was not what I wanted to do to you. I’m also caught in a game and may we prevail!!

Frank has also been telling me that he loves the blog and he learns so much from it and finds it fascinating. Every thinking person is following it carefully.

Thank you. That’s very kind.

Above we see a portrait of a mega powerful media titan. I do beg Frank’s forgiveness and I know he’ll give it to me because he is a kind compassionate person caught in a cult that he very much wants to exit now.