Catherine Zeta-Jones: "It's all true."

Our synastry shows 2 with a mission to transform slavery.

Catherine’s natal chart shows me what I’m feeling: she’s an on fire Justice Revolutionary who endures way too much to bring real change from within a heinous system.

I could never have imagined I was connected to a big star like Catherine (because I was so tricked and brainwashed). I did notice many times we seemed to have a lot in common.

I thank Catherine deeply for reminding me about our connection. She is a funny person who is a bit reserved and I’m hoping 1 day we will break free of mafia banker slavery so we will be able to be openly friends without D playing all her insane games around us.

We all strongly desire to find out how to get away from her. We are all in a non consensual relationship with a mass murderer forced on us from the banking vampires. Life is not worth living under the sneaky rule of these disgusting crooks. That only leaves us resistance and the fight.