Jane Sibbett

Jane Sibbett is someone I gave a very hard time to during the course of strange turn in my project. I was going along with the “healing program” of an online guru who it turned out was clearly trying to program me to kill myself. (Now I’ve learned Elvis is also doing this. Mafia policy is to have public figures do this to me.)

Since I had been supportive of this guru, I felt and was guided to show the new age movement was not what it seemed to be. Jane Sibbett had been not honest about this guru and she had been acting as a paid publicist but wasn’t disclosing that. I asked her to be supportive of what I was doing and that was not what I thought happened. She is telling me now that it was all a setup.

While I was in a whirlwind about this guru, new “supporters” showed up nudging me to the truth community on Youtube which was a setup but I’ve now learned many if not all were actually trying to help me under the table.

One of the first things I was nudged into being horrified about was the show Friends. I was being shown that they were all lying about their gender. Now it’s my understanding that these gender situations are mafia setups to create divisions.

Basically, Elvis has gotten me to understand that if his father hadn’t gone along with this surgery he would’ve had no way to move forward as a musician or to even feed his family which was forced on him by the mafia. Elvis tells me he was put in the same position. He never tried to trick anyone but he is constantly put into these sorts of double binds as part of the control system to keep him trapped.

I’ve been trying to show it’s been D in the background pulling the strings on me and the talents in her stable. D seems to be playing this great lion tamer controlling all these talents when it turns out she’s being undermined at every turn. I’m the researcher who is constantly trying to figure out what’s going on but my strings are also being pulled from many directions.

Another show I was directed to be shocked about and to consider satanic was Seinfeld. I’m trying to show how D operates. She tries to throw me at talents she doesn’t like who really do support me although I didn’t know it then.

D clearly had this surgery done to her and then she frames people for having it done to them WHILE SHE PRETENDS SO HARD that she biologically carried children. I’m quite certain that is a factor in the endless rage we see directed at D. I didn’t know IT WAS D was doing this to me. Elvis got me to understand. Then many others are telling me that I’m right, it’s D. She’s the one creating so much misery.

Jane Sibbett was on Friends and she is a healer. It turns out we are telepathic. I’m trying to do justice to her by what I’ve written above. She is telling me that she is a part of the cultural shift happening. She has been trying to do her best under nightmarish conditions and she is asking me to analyze her charts.

I am very sorry for the anguish I caused her.

You may note a similarity in both clips.

I have thought many times how Jane Sibbett was in a gay wedding on Friends and this was very shocking at the time. My twin - to the best of my understanding - was born female. The mafia won’t let me meet him or even talk to him on the phone but this is the situation I am in. I have wondered if Jane was trying to help me because of that circumstance. I want him back. These gender issues are not important. They are a mafia setup. D should be disgusted with herself that she plays these games when this surgery was done to her as well.

Our synastry perfectly reflects that we are telepathic. There is love between us and we have have big walls up. My Moon is in Pisces in the 12th house. This is an indication that spells work on me and a great deal is subconscious. My connection to Jane was subconscious until now.

Jane’s chart shows a healer on a mission involving mafia slavery.

Thank you Jane for everything you are doing to bring us to a better future. I am very glad to know you better and I feel a great deal of remorse for the pain my actions caused.