Frankist Celebration: The Frank Sinatra Edition

When I got to know Elvis a lot better, I found out how incredibly important Frank Sinatra is to him. And it’s no coincidence that the mafia sent someone who sings his kind of songs. Just to give you an idea of how they like to operate.

Frank is someone who really touches Elvis’ heart and now I’ve been learning that I am connected to Frank also. Shocking as that sounds. Frank is coming through and he is saying that he was always extremely against the Sabbatean Frankist menace. He was fighting his entire life for this shift in culture. He found it infuriating that we all have to live trapped so these vampires can feed on children. He did know what they were doing to Tana and it broke his heart and that’s the truth.

Our synastry shows deep emotional ties and media activism missions.

We see the force of nature on a banking transformation mission in his natal chart.

It’s amazing to realize that we can know Frank’s spirit. He seems sad we’re still stuck in the muck with these horrible crooks. He urges us to keep fighting.