Ricky Gervais has a message

He says put that picture up.

I have that blue puzzle piece too. He’s letting me know he sees all.

We might detect some themes here.

Watch this if you want to laugh.

Our synastry shows love revolutionaries who are very funny regarding the masses. We both have Jupiter aligned in quirky weirdo Aquarius.

I’m seeing a sort of love prophet in Ricky’s natal chart.

I couldn’t miss that Ricky has been trying to shift the culture in all kinds of ways to make it so even I can possibly exist openly in it.

This is the first time I’m connecting more directly consciously with him. No one could possibly be more fed up with how we are trapped in these shrunken horrible lives so D can feed children to banking vampires. It’s all true what I’m saying and he wants this mass murderer stopped.

I appreciate very much this message from Ricky and I value our connection highly.