From the other side: Donald Rumsfeld wants in on this

He’s telling me that he was another captured by the system who went along with many things he did not agree with in the hope of turning it around. There is no future as long as the Sabbatean Frankist Movement keeps pulling the strings in the background through their ironclad grip on international banking and force.

Once again, we’ve always heard bad things about Donald. Yet D - the queen of child trafficking and torture - remains clean as the purest driven Canadian snow in the media because she gets to frame the BS “official narrative”.

There are some messages in this portrait.

Donald is telling me D needs to be stopped and anyone who takes her place would need to be stopped. Together, we can demand Justice and better days.

Our synastry shows tortured slaves fighting a revolution.

With the insane super wealthy enemies that I have, I would NEED to have friends in very high places just to stay alive.

Back when I did have the tv on, I always heard nothing but terrible things about Donald Rumsfeld. Therefore it is likely he was being scapegoated because the owners of media love wrong doing. It’s how they maintain power - by forcing slaves to commit their crimes FOR THEM.

D - one of the worst imaginable - was put in charge. What the mafia banking owners do not like is honesty and resistance.

Donald’s charts shows a spiritually gifted person who was trapped in the system fighting a slave revolution.

I can say that he has a loving spirit and he wants to see the world restored to honesty. The Sabbatean Frankist Movement stands in the way of the togetherness and sharing that should be happening right now.

Thank you for sharing this message.