Cynthia McKinney

I have many times sensed that Cynthia is trying to help me. I also felt she was trying to get me to understand that she too was sucked into the system. It was a tip from her during the covid disinformation crisis that got me to understand that it really was HK pulling the strings. Then it was from Elvis that I came to understand the connection between HK and D.

Someone has to suppress the talented empaths to keep the child trafficking coverup going in media and government. It’s not too hard to figure out who I am talking about when I say it was HK running the coverup and now it’s D doing it (not alone).

Cynthia is letting me know that we are telepathic and she has indeed been doing what she can to keep my exposé going. Cynthia is extremely against child trafficking and what the Sabbatean Frankists luciferians are doing to enslave and trick us.

Our synastry shows 2 connected but separated empaths fighting mafia abuse.

Cynthia’s natal chart shows a spiritually motivated revolutionary extremely focused on combatting mafia slavery.

I used to dress often in this unusual way and she’s showing me she knows. Incredible. We’re like sisters. We are in the presence of a great miracle. Cynthia is someone I would love to know better because I admire her intelligence, heart, strength and courage.

I dressed like this when I was in Atlanta - Cynthia’s birthplace.

I’m SO GLAD to know you are really with us. All the cool people are with us.

Cynthia is telling me that she is indeed caught in the system but she is doing every single thing she can to turn things around and she begs everyone to do the same. We are up against all the money in the world and only through our arm in arm lockstep unity can we restore true justice to our lives.