Liberace has been persistently asking me to do this for him

He says he’s a big part of the shift going on and that we are “old darlings”. Note the liberating sound of his name.

Liberace asked me to post the clip above. I see a supernatural genius bringing culture to the masses and I can certainly feel we are strongly connected. What will the charts show?

I see Sun opposition Sun above which indicates we share a huge but problematic fame. Our spiritual connection is all over our synastry. Though we are brainwashed to believe a connection between me and Liberace would be ludicrous to even think about, the chart backs this assertion up.

Liberace’s natal chart indicates that he was a slave fighting for freedom. He urges us to keep up the fight. He is someone we can call on for help. This is a very loving soul. What a blessing to know more about this great talent.