Hugh Hefner is saying he's a big part of this and the charts will prove it.

This is from the other side: Hef is telling me that he got caught in the system like everyone else and he was doing his best to bring this shift in culture so that insane mafia banking can finally be overthrown. He was extremely against the Sabbatean Frankists and he snuck the truth out about them best he could with the tools he had at his disposal.

He’s asking us to note the themes in these pictures.

Our synastry shows 2 telepathic activists against mafia slavery.

Hef is telling me no one could possibly be more against the Sabbatean Frankists. What he did was an endless war against them - best he could do in his situation. He was infuriated over the abuse perpetrated by these insane monsters.

Hef is saying the price of reaching and teaching the public under this nefarious mafia empire is TREMENDOUS COMPROMISE.

“We had to play the game this way because the Sabbatean Frankists have such an ironclad monopoly over practically everything. You had to stay out of things to keep your hands clean while we prepared the public for the day when you can come out. You can only mix in society once Sabbatean Frankist power is broken. You are the deliverer and they are Lucifer’s people. It’s you or them. We want it to be US.”

I’m shocked to say that I know Hef and he has been trying to help me escape the trap that I was placed in by D and her vicious friends. I am extremely grateful to know about this connection.