Hello Steven Soderbergh

Steven is telling me to hang in there, it’s working. He has a message.

Steven is showing me that we do know each other even though I’m not consciously aware of it. There is clearly love and understanding between us.

The charts above and below are very straightforward in suggesting we share a culture revolution mission.

Steven is showing me that his work clearly is full of themes pertaining to my absurd reality.

I’m trapped by people who pretend to be my friends while they are clearly instructed to not really see or approve of me. The hiding rulers spend millions doing this to me as they charge D (a pimp) to use the media to make me feel like crap while she tortures my twin. How kafkaesque is that?

Someone trapped in a massive government funded black op only has 1 way out - if any.

Steven says that he is doing everything he can to turn this around. He is clearly here right now to back up Tanster. She is being excluded from society because her honest nature and spiritual power make her a threat to the cannibals who own the system.

D was behind Covid. D does force us into compromising situations and crimes to control us. D does destroy our lives on purpose. She does frame us for what she herself is doing.

Tanster does not remember many things but what she is hearing and posting on this blog is the truth and she is filling in the details honestly as she learns them.

. . .

Thank you Steven for your message. I cannot express my gratitude enough.