Rainn Wilson says

Stop making your jewelry and do my charts. He also is saying I’m right. Keep it up. We need real change and he is doing his best under horrendous conditions.

Obviously I’ve seen Dwight Schrute a few times in my mirror.

1 might say I’m consigned to being stuck on a “beet farm”.

No big surprises in our synastry. We are fighting this system and we have the combined strength to win.

Dwight is telling me he also likes to float around the spirit realm and that he is hearing all the same things I am. God is angry and he doesn’t really want us to suffer so much but that it is necessary for us to become strong enough to overpower the demons who have enslaved us.

Yes, this is what I also hear. Thank you so much Rainn. I’m thrilled to know we are connected and that you can share all of the details about your captivity with me so the creeps around you can think about what that information might entail.