It’s Tim Gunn’s Birthday

Happy Birthday!!

While my ambitions were being thwarted in fashion design, I resentfully watched Project Runway and wondered why I could never get opportunities. Looking back, I do see they were trying to help me.

You are in or you are out.

It’s all right there.

Tim is expressing that he is extremely intense about his desire to see change. It is most certainly not okay with him for the mafia to be trapping sensitive people so they can be exploited. He wants to see an end to the unnecessary anguish and torment of which we are the target.

His energy is kind, loving and RESOLUTE.

Looking at Tim’s natal chart, I see he has alignment with transiting Sun and Jupiter. Today is the perfect day for him to make A HUGE SPLASH. I wish that for you.

Thank you Tim for sharing a bit of yourself with me. It is very consoling to know that we share this important fight for our lives and our world. We are what we are and we should be free to express ourselves and to be ourselves.