Amber Heard Is Telling Me

That she is being trapped and framed and that much of the media games involving her do come straight from D.

D’s always trying to maintain her control over Elvis and she mostly does this through sabotaging his career and reputation and by torturing him about Tanster. Then she also runs big distraction operations to set framing traps and to keep herself from finally getting caught. We all pray for the day when she finally gets caught. We know that day is coming.

The big important big shot beautiful MUSICIAN who never gets dragged through the mud is this hiding crook we call Hitler Girl D because the shoe fits so well.

I’m not that aware of stories going on in the media but I do know that the ones who own the media force empaths into committing crimes as a means of control. Therefore if you are hearing someone is terrible in media, it is likely the real slaver monsters do not like them.

Luciferians own the media. They want crime, theft and murder as long as they are they ones getting away with it. To them, the worst thing is being good, honest and courageous. Everything is the opposite with them which is why they should not be making the rules.