Such an interesting key frame above. This clip certainly explores themes familiar to the readers of this blog. I’m being driven to suicide by the ones who derive inspiration and love from me. They can’t tell me but they can make their work about getting us out of this abyss.
I had zero hope in life and I see you guys grabbing my ankles so I won’t float away - which is very much what I’ve been hoping to do. I have completely had it. There is nothing left but fighting until this menace is neutralized.
In this movie, a selfless act is a ticket to heaven and that is exactly what I’ve been after. What surprised me is that all these people do actually care. I didn’t know this because the mafia is forbidding them from acknowledging me or helping me in any earthly way.
D the gatekeeper oligarch stands there between us as she steals everything from us. This is how the banking system destroys our lives. As long as the MONEY system is on her side, we can do nothing but resist and struggle.
I didn’t realize that I know Seth Rogen but I do. He is an extremely motivated warrior who will not back down. He’s all in and doing his best under nightmarish constraints and conditions.
Thank you for letting me know you better. Finding out about your support changes my perspective immensely. We all need each other so much.