Talk about a video that says it all!! I cannot express my gratitude to an artist of this magnitude understanding the PURGATORY by the sea to which I’ve been consigned. The black flip flops are definitely a private message. That’s what I wear because I’m excluded and I cannot do anything but fight the INJUSTICE of what is being done to all us. I am so grateful to the artists who somehow share this sneaky exile with me. May we be blessed to know how to win our Freedom. Love and all the blessings to Norah.
Elvis always tells me to make the best of it and to see the silver lining. (And that he HATES THE SITUATION!!) The upside to all of this is that we are sharing a beautiful love. NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT FROM US.
Either side of the same town. My friend that D and her friends will not let me meet because they are threatening to cut us off from food, shelter and even continuing to breathe. This menace must be fought and together we can change this intolerable injustice.