I can finally hear Jennifer Connelly

I would always see Jennifer Connelly in media and I was struck by how much she seemed like me. It would cause me a lot of frustration that she could have this seemingly brilliant career and no matter how hard I tried, I could never get any where.

Now she is telling me that everything was deliberately done to whip up this jealousy. My life was set up in a way where I didn’t have real support or friends so I had no way to imagine that anyone cared.

Now I’m learning this all this was part of the mind control program being directed at me in this black op which has been a setup to turn me into someone I would never be without such meddling from - essentially - International Banking. They have been trying to turn me into a Hitler type figure for the massive war they’ve been spending so much capital to foment.

My reality was also set up to sound extremely absurd through mind control directed at the population. Through media, the public were deliberately being hypnotized into fearing and disliking someone like me. Many mental prisons of that nature have been deliberately concocted by D and her friends to keep me trapped in a way where the prison bars seem invisible - to me and others.

D is/was a protégée of HK. She rose high in his estimation because she shared his enthusiasm for effing with my life and my head. Everyone tells me she is even more malicious than what I’m saying or even knowing. I’m being spared the details.

Now I’m learning that very similar targeting is being directed towards empaths like Jennifer Connolly. D is harming her also by demoralization tricks and harassment. Jennifer tells me that she is being framed and trapped.

D is a clear demon who works tirelessly to destroy empaths, many of us seem to be like siblings. Elvis is obviously her main target along with me.

Jennifer is like a soul mate to me and she has been forbidden to acknowledge me, also I am connected to her and important to her.

She was set up and put under mafia control - same as me - now she is asking me to put up her charts. Will they support what she is telling me?

She is luminous and beautiful and I would like nothing more than reconciliation.

I am FURIOUS that we could’ve been close friends and that banking backed D is destroying our lives on purpose to create wars and hatred and so she can exploit our talent and thieve from us.

I hope every one can see why we are trying so desperately to drive her away from us. Go away D. Your tricks don’t work anymore.

That was me in the mirror THEN. I could not understand it.

Jennifer is a healer Angel and she just wants to get her own real life now so she can salvage what’s left. We are both mafia prisoners right now and we are desperate to see that change. Everything is backwards. Criminals should not be making the rules.

I’m hearing from every direction Covid was D’s idea to keep me and Elvis apart. He always tells me she has no sense of proportion. When she fails, she boldly turns it up. HK did that too and he was her mentor. Now she can be held responsible.