Hello Lizzie Grubman

Lizzie Grubman is like a symbol in the Hamptons of the abuse locals are forced to endure from Manhattan people who drive all over us because they have all the privileges and money.

WELL - think about that. In opposite world which we all inhabit - maybe she really isn’t all that bad.

When I was a celebrity photographer, insanity and torment surrounded me just like a bubble. When I got the email to go to a Lizzie Grubman event, I expected to be abused as per usual.

But no, she was very gracious and particularly kind to me. I’ve wondered many times about this.

She is asking me to post her charts telepathically.

All this time I spent hating and fearing caring people who want to be close to me. WHAT A WASTE!!

Lizzie is saying that she is not really the monster than many think she is. In reality, she is being framed by hiding creeps like D who do very much control “the narrative” - which is a total load of crap. She wants to start over just like the other people who are coming through to Tanster requesting fair treatment.

She is for my reunion with Elvis and a new Empire.

“They could not go as far as they wanted with you because they had to keep you ignorant of the size of the black op around you. Now that it’s failed, they are doing everything to get you to kill yourself AND they are sending hitmen searching to kill you.”