Back when D and her friends were working so hard to force me into Q -

I was trying to figure out what was going on with the clearly government funded bag of tricks “Truth Movement”. One of the people that I viewed as a disinformation agent was Isaac Kappy. He seemed coked up, often truthful, hilarious and extremely talented. Then POOF, he was gone.

Looking back, a bit wiser hopefully, I can see that he was probably another empath captured by the mafia to peddle their incessant lying & trickery.

Now from the other side, he is asking me to put his charts up. He is also telling me that he was set up and murdered. He was pushed off a bridge.

The mafia is trapping empaths, forcing them to front sick games and then they are murdered. Over and over and over. Me and Elvis are next if we don’t figure out how to get D and her friends away from us.