When I was a celebrity photographer many of my gigs -

Had something to do with a publicist named Tamie Peters Thomas. Some of our experiences together were frustrating and demoralizing. Certainly, I have heard from Leonardo DiCaprio that much was done to portray him in an unfavorable light in my eyes and Tamie was there both times.

I could never have imagined that anyone cared what I thought about Leonardo DiCaprio but there was an elaborate setup to make me think ill of him. Tamie is assuring me that this is indeed true.

Now she’s coming through to me telepathically showing me that while she was having a glittery moment back then, after that poof - she’s been parked in the suburbs - just like the mafia did to me.

She’s clearly empathic since she is telepathically showing me the truth.

Where is his site?

Knowing our ties are being severed on purpose makes my blood boil.