Alexa Ray Joel is someone who was always rubbed in my face for having what I cannot get -

No matter how hard I try.

It’s interesting what parts of this black op got the most funding and I would definitely say the trying to get me jealous of Billy Joel’s daughter project has been running in my life since I was quite young and it continued on into when I became a celebrity photographer. It’s all been on purpose.

I’m hearing from all directions that the bankers are putting people’s lives together in such a way to make me jealous. The story about D taking my twin to drive me crazy is only 1 such of these projects going. Tax money is going to these insane ventures.

Why does Frankist banking operate in this manner?

What I’m thinking is that D is EXTREMELY possessed by Lucifer and that the original person that might have been there is long gone.

Elvis really is Napoleon and we have been fighting Lucifer for many life times which is why this nobody from Canada does all of this torture against me and her unfortunate ward. Why would she come after us like this otherwise? Why else would the bankers give her all this rope that she is using to hang them?

Nothing practically gets me more FURIOUS than when I find out these talented interesting people wanted in my life when I was SO SAD I could not have friends - just these creeps that would call and put me in the trash.