The congruent story is established. There is no hole in the story. Click below to learn more about my persecutors. If they can’t buy/threaten/trick someone, then it’s quite a problem for all concerned. They sure are rich!
We can’t live in peace and freedom because organised crime needs to keep up their human trafficking, false flags and drug dealing? What can we do but fight such horrible injustice? Tell me.
It is scary that this little club has managed to keep their assassins above the law but we have no future because these marauders are doing everything they can to exterminate the rest of us.
I could not accept their offer because they were clearly trying to use me to help them set up their big war!
Clearly I’m being targeted by this spy agency because they know something about me. This focus on ruining my life has been going on since my childhood. I only found out during the last 2 years that artists under their control have been exposing this insane practice.
Who am I? I’m forced to conclude that unbeknownst to me until now I am some kind of deliverer. D and her spy agency are enslaving the world. I pray for help. Please help me. If I am a deliverer, is it any surprise my big problem is the owner of money and his highly funded army of assassins?
All he has to do is say “So what?” and no consequences reach this person, no matter what crimes he commits because he owns money. Why does this 1 guy get to harm anyone as much as he pleases? What a disgrace! I have zero incentive to play nice with him because my life is effectively over as long as assassins like D are being allowed by us to murder, thieve and slave for the owner of money.
What good are laws when the worst criminals are being ignored? Just like I’m being treated as invisible.
The plan is to get rid of us. We are a threat to their domination of the planet.
The image above is 1 of the many images my spiritual twin has broadcast to show what this spy agency orders him to do to me. How D thought she would move this spy agency right in between us even more intensely and then profit says a lot about what she really is all about.
The image below of a young E cornered shooting at someone is from his book Unfaithful Music And DISAPPEARING Ink.
E and I have to do this because our lives are very much in danger. We have both been finagled into sham families anchored by spy agency assassins. What a nightmare!
Watch this video closely and see why we are doing this. We will not be among the living soon if we don’t figure out how to save ourselves. We are not the only ones in danger as this spy agency continues to run the planet as a murderous slave colony.