Did Rammstein give Redman The Fascist a shout out?

Guest post by Gor-Lak, alien guide

In Rammstein’s completely excellent tanz metal video for “Ich Will,” the guys pose in front of a giant poster of Flake. An objective viewer will notice the similarities between that scene and one from low level claymation masterpiece, “Redman The Fascist.” In fact, the shot of the titular Redman orating at the podium in front of the giant poster of himself is the thumb for the video.

Did Rammstein give Redman a shout out? You decide.

Grab from Rammstein’s “Ich Will”

Grab from “Reedman, the Fascist.”

Who doesn’t love German Expressionism? Whoever did these videos obviously do. Check ‘em out.

And for the souped up Mermaid Spice version, my personal favorite, here is Miranda.