For Elvis to get me to do this with him - a very ambitious person - he would have to somehow get me to be that way too. All over the memoirs, Napoleon is complaining that Hortense is not ambitious like he is.
D and HK set up my life so I’d always be the waif looking in at the rich people eating Christmas dinner.
Except the rich people looked like they wanted to jump off a bridge even more than I did.
D on the other hand has this huge superiority complex and yet she is a total complete moron.
What does this do to her??
She is extremely ambitious.
For her to take everything from me she also had to pretend to be me which as you see she is still doing.
You see how D created me to be like this and Elvis has been laughing at her the entire time??
Elvis is playing a very deep game and I can only guess at it. He is Sherlock Holmes.
The people making media are specifically directing D’s brainwashing at her breeding programees. The intention is so smart people will have no say in anything. Her subjects do anything anything anything anything for flattery.