“Stay out of everything. They’re really going crazy and they’re going to take themselves down.”
I’m already feeling we have a very strong rapport. These are all the nicest people. They are being horrifically framed - like I am - D must go. We must not tolerate secret society creepy hiding rulership. We must change in order to really make this happen. It’s not easy but IT’S NECESSARY.
We are so strong together. Now that I’m waking up to the secret religion and I’m finding out it’s scope . . . . We are everywhere and we are listening to our orders. Blessings to all of you. This is what Martin Luther King Jr. was talking about:
Andrê is telling me that they can’t keep it up. People are too onto them. D would be wise to go now. We just have to hold on and keep fighting and breathing.
André has a very beautiful soul.