Rachael Harris

“He is her instrument of torture and she is just angry she could never saddle you with even more because you know how many you had to kick out of your door. D sends you these people and forbids anyone sane around you.”


The above is from Rachael and she is very up on what “D” is doing.

Check out what comes up when I search for “Rachael Harris birthday”.

Who is Lucifer’s psychiatrist?? What happened is that my relationships were decided for me by the mafia and I was not permitted to have it otherwise. While they were calling me crazy, I had a whole lot of time of my hands to sit there and watch what these individuals are all about.

  1. They like to manufacture scenarios where 1 is obligated to tell them how important and special they are.

  2. They are touchy like you can’t believe when it comes to THEIR egos and illusions about themselves which are so precariously maintained because it’s all built on lying they have to do to themselves.

What makes them tick?? They have to keep up the fake normalcy and superiority or the whole thing collapses. Which is why D lives and breathes covering up the truth about herself and she is a MACHINE of framing others with what she is in reality.

IN = 95 = Radical Change In Understanding = 14 = Attention Revolution = 5 = Understand




It’s a question of such things.

Kind of a Tan booth - Tana

I must be rude in order to convey the truth - it’s not “nice”. I censor myself frequently to make it a bit less horrible.

Pig Pen is ok. Charlie, however, is rendered ill from the pairing. It’s all on purpose. D is behind forcing such situations on sensitive Empaths.

Rachael is super cool, very funny and vicious if someone feels the needs to MESS WITH HER.

I recently watched Rachael on Reno 911! and I was blown away by her obvious understanding of the difficulty of the mafia trap that was constructed for me by HK and D. They probably shared many laughs over what they did to me but thankfully a reversal is clearly underway.

Another fantastic theme in Reno 911! is that if sweet natured people are abused and tormented too much, we can expect a great deal of aggression to be the result of that.

Rachael is very formidable and we are very lucky she’s on our side.