Milla Jovovich

“They can see we have successfully hijacked the system and there is no turning back.”

Milla and I could be twins we’re so similar.

She is telling me I’m a hundred percent correct and that it is Evelyn and Diana. They are the slavers. And the other ones won’t come out.

Milla and I are both just like Joan of Arc. The same type of Paladin. It will be very interesting to look at the charts.

Milla is gentle and sensitive but she is not 1 to mess with at all. We are perfectly telepathic and she can get any information to me that she wants.

The people running the system are saying they want Revolution. It’s game over for Diana and Evelyn and the others won’t come out to run the brothel like D is doing presently. D is the problem and Evelyn will not have much luck either playing lion tamer to the celebrities. Who does Diana think she is to mistreat the entire world like this??

You can hear Milla’s sincere voice in this.

Milla asks us to please keep fighting and she will do her best too.