They’re going to pay for what they’ve done to us and I was protected from getting the full torture program D had planned for me because she lost my attention for her media BS when she tried pulling she’s a biological mommy on that setup of a show she was specifically trying to destroy his career and she did a pretty good job. These fleas want the bad thing and that is easy to achieve - such is the source of their power. She is a scourge upon this earth and I hope we will learn how to clean up her mess.
May every little bit of suffering D has caused us return to her a zillion kajillion fold right now and I hope we will really really focus on sending her every little thing she DESERVES.
This is a person of truly fathomless evil.
Who would hate me - someone she has not come close to meeting - to the point that she dedicated her entire life to it because she is Lucifer. I don’t know her. He does.
We suffer so much that the only way we can cope is so we can console ourselves that they will be destroyed. We have to live such hell to get there. Please be understanding to us because we have to do all these brave shocking things because we are catalysts.