
D’s staff - because she controls the media - at Youtube are sending me all kinds of messages that they are really on my side. THANK YOU. May we prevail.

Clearly D has ordered the staff to LIE about my numbers. Her staff must do this because she is sponsored by the cannibal bankers who can spend all the money they want because they have a monopoly on pretty much everything and everyone because of their network of assassins all over the world - AKA your local mafia. I don’t blame everyone for violating their own morals and mine by supporting the Luciferians. What choice do they have?? All of these assassins are after me (DEFINITELY) and they will be after you to I suppose if you defy D’s orders to commit crimes on her behalf - FOR HER.

Lets look at the clearly falsified numbers above.

Are you getting the picture about what it is like to have D suppressing me and Elvis??