Kris Jenner

is telling me that D is framing her and never tires of doing this. She wants D to go now.

Kris is very powerful supernaturally and otherwise.

Kris is telling me: “It’s all true.”

Kris is also saying that people in LA are working very hard to set us all free but we need everyone to help.

What I wrote about OJ a few weeks back was correct. He was 1 of us but he was set up and the destruction of his and Nicole’s life (and Ron Goldman) were turned into an “entertainment” spectacle obviously directed towards creating divisions in our country and elsewhere. This is the kind of activity that D has commited her time on this earth to doing: These horrible murderous psyops like the school shootings which she coordinates to make life hell for all concerned. She needs to go now.

This movie is clearly something to do with HK and D’s efforts to frame me for their terrorist/warpig activity. I did know D was behind the school shootings because it’s so obvious now that I understand she took over after HK. Many are telling me that D is central to setting up school shootings. D obviously never tires of coming up with new ways to destroy innocence. Now she’s got all these formerly sweet people focused on what it’s going to take to escape her mafia prison. D’s malice always backfires so far and it will continue to do so.