I have proven this happened.

How can I get Justice? Everyone pretending to ignore me is upholding the ban on my public existence on this planet which is effectively owned by 1 Crime Family.

Why do satanic cannibals make the choices and I have no recourse because humans as food is their thing.

I’m telling you most of why we are all trapped like this is because they really adore what they are eating and they don’t think they can live to 105 whatever - like they do with out it. Have you noticed they really want to turn themselves into robots? Covid was so very much their mad dash to do experiments on humans. Am I making any sense?

Why are these raping cannibals so incredibly eternally out of reach for questions? Where do they hide? Why do they get to do anything they please to anyone anywhere no matter what and then they hide and we all just remain trapped in financial servitude to literal scams.

Please really unite. We are up against a few vampires or something like that. Nobody likes them.