If you will let us - through helping us get free of our obstacles - we can create a structure where everyone gets a real chance.

Don’t you think it’s about time we find the courage to finally speak the truth out loud. O, but they’ll kill us. We have to eat. Right? Can you spot them yet? These creeps definitely prefer babies as their food. Covid was probably (or most definitely) a scam they launched because they are afraid their favorite food situation is/was at risk.

D was big time behind the Covid scam and it was mostly about her pulling strings to keep me and her other food source apart. D hates me because I am in the way of her disgusting plans to exterminate the majority. D hates me because I am a threat to the parasitical situation the R family has forced on us.

This is why Frankists suppress free speech to such a totally insane degree.

When they kept saying there’s a virus, I could not help agreeing with them every single time they kept saying it for 2 or 3 years when that was a mild year for the common flu back in 2020.