Have you ever asked yourself how much money the R family has spent on making me their living sacrifice?

Then the next question is how much have they spent on suppressing me and my story of the constant torture they have inflicted on me particularly through a child murdering/eating/trafficking prostitute (but aren’t we all?) fraud who makes my spiritual twin pretend in the corrupt media she’s a mommy with babies and a desired wife when she is not even a biological female? She behaves as if she wields all the money/influence lightning bolts from the Palace itself when her story makes no sense to anyone even looking at her.

That is the mental level of pretty much every single other one just like her.

I’m telling you they all act like the same totally insane demon. It is highly possible Lucifer has replicated or something in all of them. It’s a specific personality and I know him. He has this unbelievable hatred of me personally and when he is in someone around me, they freak out because they know I see through them. There are other demons but he really is the one running the show behind all these creepy vampire ghoul types.

Right now the world is how Lucifer wants it and he was on his way to making this place his private park with the next tricks he was about to pull. We are getting in the way though. We have to get tough if we want to kick him out. There is no other way. We must do it ourselves. Most of the police are good people. They know what’s up if you can talk to them. I have not been harassed ever by any police and I have received a great deal of help and encouragement. Thank you!

This miserable situation is the biggest opportunity of our lives. Make lemonade out of so frickin’ many truckloads of lemons. Lawful good alignment is doing the right thing even if the bad guys have assumed authority which frequently has happened all over. They cannot maintain their grip much longer at all. It’s a house of cards and they all must know it.