Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood (of Radiohead) are both amazing artists who have done a great deal to console the nightmare into which I’ve been deliberately placed by the cartel running almost everything. I don’t pretend to understand exactly what is going on BUT there is no question that they are understanding the intense torture of what I have been enduring. Through the information that they have imparted to me, I can finally see that their torment is not all that different from mine. Now it is clear how deliberate it is and that creative people are being severely treated and targeted by the present sneaky oligarchy. Why? It probably has something to do with the secrets they are keeping.

The Napoleon/Elvis to whom I gave this project suggested I take a look at the recent book Fear Stalks The Land!. It is full of details about my heavily deliberately sequestered existence that only a spirit floating around me could know so I am forced to conclude that something like this is happening. Thank you to Thom and Stanley FOR CARING. I care about you both too very much and may it please God to lead us out of our infernal traps VERY SOON.

I am extremely grateful for what these 2 have taught me.

“No one WANTS to be a slave.”

“Mother Nature has its way of fighting back.”

You give me hope and I would like scream how much it has meant to me. My mind has been hijacked on purpose by a certain spy agency which constantly wages psychological warfare on us all and I am seeking the restoration of accurate thinking but my feelings have been and still are in working order and I can feel your presence.

A few images that say it all are below. I don’t want what I am enduring. I just want the abuse to end and I have zero incentive to play nice with the murderers and thieves who are holding our leashes. I’ve gotten so many death threats from them that - at a certain point I just said to myself death cannot be any worse than living under their rule. They threaten us with harsher captivities if we don’t relent - just like what was done to Napoleon. It’s up to ALL of us where that game will get them.

I’m sorry teddies. Please forgive me for the pain I’ve caused you.