Gramercy Theatre, NYC, February 13th, Full Show.

You may notice an interesting series of thoughts about a longing to learn some Portuguese. My main complaint on this project is that someone somehow with a lot of blackmail and money is blocking our free association and our access to knowledge which should be freely available. I hope these sneaky people finally get caught for the crimes they keep committing against all of us.

For all of the spies I KNOW they have put on him, he is still doing an amazing job telling his totally forbidden (by the secret societies) story. Obviously the controllers don’t want the public knowing how they are being brainwashed by celebrities who have been positioned and threatened into working against their own best interests so the skull and bones crowd can get even richer at everyone else’s expense.

These schemers know they operate completely outside of the law. The only thing keeping them still in their private planes and luxury is fear and ignorance. They are stymied if we talk real loud and unite. The contracts they maneuvered us into are not legit because there can be no meeting of the minds because they can get away with murder. Binding contracts are not possible without a meeting of the minds and “sign or else” is not a meeting of the minds.
