Paul McCartney & Elvis Costello - My Brave Face

There are a few stories going on here. If it’s getting very easy to see that hidden hand and how it is harming us, at least I’m accomplishing something here. This state of affairs has become unendurable for many of us which is why resistance, constant unrelenting resistance, is essential.

All of us together imagining that dictator in hand cuffs could get us somewhere. Would that dictator just get replaced or would the sandcastle empire get washed away along with its many scams and illusions? Let’s work together to find out what happens once that dictator is finally in handcuff or at least neutralized from continuing to torment and torture this world. He recently made a play to try and get most of his own cult killed so I’m not quite sure what kind of support he thinks he has. The few sneaky criminals who still cower at his feet have to hide just like he does. Am I wrong?

His strength comes from his mind control operations and that is where to break his power. Probably even the majority of his own publicity corps would love to see him fall if I am perceiving what I’m seeing correctly.

My brave, my brave, my brave face lyrics  I've been living in style,
Unaccustomed as I am
To the luxury life,
I've been hitting the town
And it didn't hit back

I've been doing the rounds
Unaccustomed as I am
To the time on my hands,
Now I don't have to tell anybody
When I'm going to get back

Ever since you went away
I've had this sentimental inclination
Not to change a single thing
As I pull the sheet back on the bed,
I want to go bury my head
In your pillow

Now that I'm alone again
I can't stop breaking down again
The simplest things set me off again
And take me to that place

Where I can't find my brave face,
Where I can't find my brave face,
My brave, my brave, my brave face
My brave face

I've been living a lie
Unaccustomed as I am
To the work of a housewife,
I've been breaking up
Dirty dishes and throwing them away

Ever since you left I have been trying to
Compose a 'baby will you please come home' note
Meant for you
As I clear away another
Untouched t.v. dinner
From the table, I laid for two

Now that I'm alone again
I can't stop breaking down again
The simplest things set me off again
And take me to that place

Where I can't find my brave face,
Where I can't find my brave face,
My brave, my brave, my brave face
My brave face