Evil is not going to win this time.
All I hear from God is keep it up and He tells me D is much worse than I think! She is one of the biggest villains in the history of the world. Can you not see how much everyone human absolutely prays and wishes for her downfall? She is a big hiding oligarch and she was behind locking all of us up for Covid. I’m still locked up because of D and the main mafia warden assigned to me and of course the satanic white supremacist Rs.
Was that a nice mommy with babies thing to do? To lock us all up over lies? Was it okay for her to lie and scare everyone and ruin and kill all of these people because she’s trying to hang on to someone so she can steal everything from him and constantly humiliate him? The media should not be covering up for her. I wish E could get his freedom so he could talk on this.