Why am I essentially caged since childhood by the ghouls the R family pays to do this to me? (What a list I have of crooks!) How much more can I prove this? O, but this 1 banking family has gifted themselves an eternal blank check at our expense and they put a bounty on me and they own the “Justice” system. What chance do I have on planet earth when this satanic cannibal family presently pulls all the strings and can get everyone to pretend to ignore me out of the animal necessity to eat? Why does this 1 family decide who lives and dies? I can terminate my life or fight. What other choice has this banking family left me? Why do they get all the “rights” when they are enslaving the world?
They’ll just hide and say “what are you talking about?” like they always do. Or the whitest on earth will giggle piddlytosh and invoke their favorite word/game: racism.
It’s so easy for them over their in their palaces when they pull all the strings and command that river of money. Pick up the phone, send out an agent, a new jerk shows up to block me from leaving this prison.
Thank you Metallica for helping my struggle for freedom before I even understood the scope of what this Puppetmaster entity has been doing to me. Why is Lucifer’s first family so against me? The implications of this are staggering and everyone is bought or starving so where does this go from here? No one knows better than I do that there is no way to work and make enough money to get food and shelter without some deal that jeopardizes the soul. I tried! I had this mafioso constantly slowly luring me into a deal with the devil just so I could continue being buried alive in terrible health out of fear of being murdered. I had no choice but to rebel because I’m not going to share eternity in hell with creeps like him and his wife.
The movies say a lot but on this blog is where it all is put together. The mafia does as it pleases because they answer to this dreadful banking dynasty which has finagled themselves into owning the planet. D murders and tortures me and my twin to her satisfaction because this banking dynasty finances and enables her evil ways.