The Radiohead Public Library Teaches US How To Make A Moon Shaped Pool.

This makes the last time you fucked up look like a childish error.


Have an idea.

Try it.

It’s rubbish, isn't it?

Try another idea.

This one looks good, don't you think? Well, maybe.

Try it out on a small scale.

It's quite hard to get it to work as you'd like, but actually, YEAH!

This is great. You're quite excited now.

Think about what you're going to need to transform the idea from small-scale to large-scale.

Lots of big canvases.

Lots of paint.

Some other secret materials.

There's no way to experiment with the large-scale version of the idea - but never mind. What could possibly go wrong?

You've tested the idea and it works. Just a question of mechanics now.

Transport everything to an undisclosed location in a big truck.

Follow the big truck by train.

OK! You're here! Everything comes out of the big truck.

Set up your equipment. There's no real hurry. Do it properly.

At this scale you're going to have to work outdoors.

Have you got a PLAN B if it doesn't work?

Oh dear.

Right then. Everything's ready. Let's go!



Oh no. OH NO.

This is awful.

Oh shit.


You're in the middle of nowhere.

Nothing has worked.

You've really fucked up this time.

This makes the last time you fucked up look like a childish error.


It didn't do much good, freaking out like that, did it?

Still, at least the wine is pretty cheap around here.

What are you going to do?

Actually, on reflection, one of the paintings looks quite interesting.


So maybe if you cut down the palette to just black and white, then..

Ooh. Oh. Wow. Not fucking bad!

Hey, suddenly it makes sense. Lots of sense.

Ok, you're going to go for it. Even bigger scale!

It's tricky but it definitely works!

Let the wind and the weather move the paint around for you.

Let go.

Even the rain helps.

Let it happen.

Don't interfere.


You've entered "the zone”.

Look at you now. All measured and calm.

Well, as far as you actually ever get in that regard.


Keep on truckin'.

Talking of, it's time to get everything back into the big truck.

Follow the big truck by train.

OK! You're back. Everything comes out of the big truck.

Set up your equipment back at home.

Do it properly.

At this scale you're going to have to work outdoors.

Unfortunately the weather here is cold and very wet.

Never mind.

Let the wind and the weather move the paint around for you.

Let go.

Even the rain helps.

Let it happen.

Don't interfere.