Astrology Report: Venus Enters Taurus and this can enhance our judgment of value and worth.

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Saturday, MAY 28

The Sun is quintile Neptune this morning, and we’re gracious, giving one another the benefit of the doubt. It can feel especially good to put our faith in someone or something now, and we’re inclined to see the spiritual dimensions or imaginative elements of our pursuits.

The Moon spends the day in Taurus, and Venus enters this Fixed Earth sign this morning. The Taurus Moon, lasting until tomorrow afternoon, is steady, simple, and contained. Venus will transit Taurus until June 22nd. Venus performs well in the sign. In Taurus, Venus is comfortable, sensual, content, and perhaps possessive. We seek security more than usual during this cycle, and we place more value on those things that last. In fact, Venus in Taurus improves and enhances our judgment of value and worth. Our appetite for pleasure is strong.

We’re revving up as the day advances and Mars and Jupiter approach a conjunction in assertive Aries. We feel positive, confident, and we’re getting ready for action.


Venus is in Taurus from May 28 to June 22, 2022. In Taurus, Venus is naturally very sensual, content, and possessive. We seek security and value those things that are long-lasting. Our appetite for pleasure is strong.

The sign of Taurus values the here and now and the world of the five senses. Tangible and physical expressions of love and romance figure strongly during the Venus-in-Taurus cycle. Holding on to someone or something we love is our tendency under this influence.

The shadow side of this is excessive possessiveness and treating our partners as objects that we own or want to own.

On the financial side, Venus in Taurus looks for high-quality, solid, practical, and long-lasting items. Holding on to our possessions is more likely now. With art, tastes, and pleasures, we prefer things that are earthy, natural, and grounded. We can be somewhat indulgent at this time. Uncertainty bothers us more than usual–we favor stability over excitement in love and pleasure.

A description of the symbols can be found at

I plan on discussing Koand’s incomplete chart tonight on my stream. It is incomplete because I don’t have access to a verified birth time.

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I’m attaching information about the aspects that we can see and the data is shared from here:

A stellium is a bundle of three or more planets in the birth chart. They combine to form a kind of super planet, acting as one force. With this pattern, the planets are all in the same zodiac sign. It's often said that we have all 12 zodiac signs in our nature, but a strong stellium packs the most punch. 

A stellium is a highly charged hot zone of your birth chart. You favor these energies, and others sense them. If it's powerful enough, it outshines your Sun sign as the most outstanding constellation of traits. 

Mozart's Stellium

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had a stellium of Saturn, the Sun, and Mercury in Aquarius. If genius is a sustained channel to the divine mind, he had that with a concentration of planets including Mercury in visionary Aquarius.

A stellium with the wow factor involves personal planets, such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus. If your personal planets are grouped with the slow-moving outer planets, you have an affinity for your generation's mission or the climate of the times.

Stella is the Latin word for stars. Stellia, the plural word for clusters, are easy to spot in the birth chart.

Astrologers vary on how close in distance some aspect patterns should be to constitute a stellium. Some say 1 or 2 degrees, while others allow up to 5 degrees.

But with the stellium, a more sweeping orb is allowed, as long as they're in the same zodiac sign. The closer the planets are, the greater the potency.

Many times the planets are in the same house, but not always. It's more challenging to interpret charts where the stellium lies over a cusp, the dividing line between two houses. The most striking stellium—and easiest to see at play—are close in orb and in the same house. 

But planets in the same house in different Zodiac signs are not considered a stellium. 

The Pattern Tells the Story

Donna Cunningham's ebook "The Stellium Handbook" is about this pattern. Writes Donna

"What makes you different is the cast of recurring characters—or their types—and the repeated story arcs....Explore the story that keeps replaying itself and that cast of characters. It may have minor variations but so often works out the same as the last few times."

Her main thesis is that the "sequence of planets in the stellium...tells the story." The lead planet (of lowest degree) is like a "first responder," setting the stage for what follows.

"If it [the lead planet] were Saturn, you might react fearfully and close down while you figure out how to protect yourself. Suppose Mars is the lead planet. It represents the urge to be first, to be a pioneer, to lead, and to win. It's happiest as the lead planet, but aggressive outreach isn't always an ideal approach."

The following is about Koand’s Sun in Virgo:

Mutable Earth       Ruler: Mercury

Keywords: Discrimination, Service, Practicality, Analysis

Functional Expression: helpful, modest, sharp, discerning, calm, organized, responsible, close to nature.

Dysfunctional Expression: critical, lazy, servile, scattered, forgetful, confused, nervous, stressed.


Practical and Analytical Skills

Toward the end of the month of August, the Sun leaves Leo and enters the sign of Virgo. After the pomp and grandeur of Its journey through Leo, the Sun in Virgo brings its focus to more practical concerns.

Those born with the Sun in Virgo are often motivated by an urge to find practical outlets for skills, talents and abilities, with an emphasis on being useful. Consequently, they can be humble, and at times self-effacing.

It is the natural counterbalance for all the hubris of Leo. The creativity expressed through Leo must be channelled in Virgo so that something can be harvested from all the growth that has occurred. The urge to be of service is often paramount, and Virgos tend to be driven more by the need to be useful than the need to be recognized.

From this perspective, Virgo is especially concerned with processes of discrimination and synthesis. Virgo symbolically represents the integration of material resources so that these can be most effectively used.

Accordingly, Virgo is concerned with efficiency, practicality and economy of means. This can be expressed on either physical and intellectual levels, both internally through the mind or externally through results.

As a Mutable sign, Virgo is also characterized by qualities of duality, so that those with the Sun in Virgo tends to have dual strengths. They often have the ability to blend logical analysis with practical knowhow, combining a sharp intellect with solid skills. 

Practicality and usefulness are essential attributes of this sign. As an Earth sign, Virgo is apt to prefer grounded, no-nonsense ways of making things happen. Not all Virgos take the most practical path, but nearly all are solution-focussed.

Virgo will often prefer to contribute from the sidelines, assisting others to achieve tangible results. Virgoans often do best working behind the scenes, lending quality control, practical efficiency and detailed help to achieve the most efficient and well-organized result.

With the Sun in Virgo there is often the practical planning and attention-to-detail necessary to make things happen. The ability to focus on what is essential and necessary is one of the great strengths of this sign.

The Urge to Improve

Those with the Sun in Virgo usually seek to improve and refine whatever is at hand.

The process of discrimination is fundamental to this sign. On an external level, this can occur in obvious ways. Virgos want to make their environment as functional as possible. There is good reason for Virgo to have earned a reputation for cleanliness and order.

Virgo is traditionally associated with lists, details and protocols, and many (though not all) Virgoans will not feel comfortable unless a well-organized routine and structure is put into place.

Yet not all Virgoans display the characteristics of neatness and tidiness. For other Virgoans discrimination and order may be important on mental or psychological levels.

They become rigourous about mental pursuits or maintaining a healthy body/mind. To outward appearances they seem to live messy or chaotic lives, but internally they know what their goals are and how they will be realized.

As this is also a sign of mental acuity, many Virgoans are blessed with a sharp, critical mind. Sun in Virgo often gives a strong capacity for rational analysis. The ability to pull something apart into its component pieces, see how they fit or work, and then put them back together is often pronounced. Usually they deliver a more refined or improved version, so that system-thinking and analysis is often an innate talent. They make great problem-solvers.

Virgos can specialize in minutiae, clarity and detail. Few things escape their laser-like assessment once fully engaged with whatever is before them. They may excel in synthesis, editing and task prioritization.

The analytical side of this sign works well with their practical efficiency, again earning Virgo a reputation for organization and detail. Their mental acuity works best when there is something tangible to focus upon. Those with the Sun in Virgo are able to make an enormous contribution to whatever field of endeavour they are working in through their unique skillset.

They tend to make valuable employees and useful friends, owing to their capacity to dissect a problem, organize it, and then suggest practical ways to get the ensuing job done.

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The following applies to Koand’s Mercury in Virgo:

Mercury in Virgo individuals are intelligent, practical and innovative. They can be picky and demanding at times.

They are great planners, excellent organizers and task oriented. This planetary interaction brings fine mental skills and precise analysis.

Mercury in Virgo can be rational and methodical. They are dedicated to hard work and seek positions that allow them to use their mind. People with this Mercury placement are detail-oriented and like to have control over both the creative and physical aspects of the job.

What Does Mercury in Virgo Mean?

Mercury is the planet of communication, and when placed in Virgo, it accentuates the Virgoan tendency to be analytical and picky. These individuals contemplate the world at a much deeper level then most people, but on the positive side of the scale, you will find them to be thorough and reliable.

They are ultimately good people with an incredibly high IQ. Some of the top professions for people with Mercury in Virgo include: health care workers (doctors, nurses), writers, translators, editors, reporters and detectives.

Mercury in Virgo can be creative, honest, quick and smart. This placement favors the professions of accounting, banking, computers, and designing. They have good analytical skills. Their thinking is analytical rather than intuitive.

Mercury in Virgo people can be described as analytical, practical, and perfectionistic. They are the most meticulous sign in the zodiac.

It’s no surprise that Mercury in Virgo is associated with professions that require intense scrutiny, such as scientists, detectives, engineers, and researchers. These people work hard to achieve their goals with acute attention to detail.

In the social world, they carefully study others around them before making connections. Once a Mercury in Virgo feels comfortable with someone, they will continuously interact and engage. Their interpersonal relationships are deep and meaningful, and built on trust and understanding.

Mercury in Virgo people are painstakingly thorough, reliable and practical. They are diligent investigators of the truth and capable of analyzing, criticizing and criticizing others.

They prefer things to be done right the first time, which makes them good problem solvers. They are self-critical nitpickers who tend to avoid plunging into something unless they have put their finest effort behind it.

Mercury in Virgo people are reserved, logical thinkers who plan their actions well and stick to their goals. They seem to specialize in editing and analyzing whatever it is they’re doing or thinking about at the time.

They think through a situation, formulate a plan of action, and then see it through to completion with very little deviation. This is their pattern for most things they do. They like to be careful not to make missteps when they travel up the ladder of success–which, by the way, certainly is a ladder they climb by choice! They like to feel that their success was planned as well as earned.

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The following applies to Koand’s Pluto in Leo placement:

Pluto in Leo Man

The Pluto in Leo placement describes a man who is strong and ambitious. This man is unafraid to set goals, and he uses his ambition to achieve glory.

The Pluto in Leo man yearns for admiration and greatness. He loves to be noticed for his accomplishments. He is not afraid to take charge and lead others on the path towards the same goal.

A man with this placement possesses a strong personality guaranteed to attract the kind of attention he wants. Those with this placement prefer dramatic and flamboyant gestures, which are used to increase their own self-importance.

They like to be the center of attention and do things that stand out so that people will notice them. They carry themselves in a manner that exudes confidence, but they are secretly afraid of being overshadowed by others or rejected for not being different or unique enough.

The Pluto in Leo gentleman personifies the meaning of “dapper.” Well-dressed, well-groomed and well-mannered, the outward appearance reflects an inner strength.

He is often well-spoken and carries himself with pride. His eyes are expressive, drawing you in with a confident gaze.

This combination of power and compassion is impressive. He’s clearly a leader. The Pluto in Leo man has a talent for inspiring confidence in people. He is also very protective and possessive.

They tend to be naturally assertive and confident. They are loyal and dedicated to their families.

He is a natural born leader. He is highly ambitious and courageous and is likely to succeed in a position of leadership or authority.

He likes to be center stage, and enjoys the spotlight, but is aware of when enough is enough. He strives for perfection in all that he does and expects no less from others.

Fun-loving, charismatic, and generous to a fault, Pluto in Leo men are so attractive to women that even they can’t understand why all the ladies are into them. Their lust for life assures them that they will never be alone – as long as there’s a party going on!

Pluto in Leo men have a strong sense of self-worth and are proud of accomplishments. For the most part, Leo is ruled by the heart. That figuratively translates to someone who loves passionately and expects to be loved in return.

Being an earthy sign, Leo is known for its practicality, but in this position can make it hard for him to put his money where his mouth is.

He will expect quality without compromise, and if he has settled for less often in the past then Pluto in Leo men will certainly demand more from themselves now.