Astrology Report: Today is a great day to understand The Big Jupiterian Picture

The following is shared from

Monday, MAY 23

The Sun forms a sextile to Jupiter this morning, stimulating hopefulness and generosity. It can be a time for engaging with others in delightful ways and enjoying opportunities as a result. Confidence comes from a stronger sense of who we are and the principles we represent. Some form of recognition or distinction is possible now. We can grasp the “big picture,” which expands our perspective, and we feel more vital and confident.

Also today, a Mercury-Mars sextile tonight is a mentally busy influence. Our minds are active, and we want to do something with our ideas, learn, teach, or debate. We are exceptionally alert, resourceful, and aware, although possibly self-focused. There is enthusiasm in our conversations and excitement about our interests and discoveries.

The Moon spends the day in forgiving, perceptive Pisces.

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I plan on discussing my natal placement of Uranus in the 6th house on my stream tonight.

I’m attaching some information about Uranus in the 6th house. It is shared from here:

Uranus in 6th House Woman

The Uranus in 6th House woman is a real revolutionary. She is a trendsetter and she has an individual sense of style.

Some of their primary traits are the desire to create change, breaking out of traditional roles and finding new paths.

She likes to come up with new concepts that appeal to a wider audience and bring them into the public eye.

The Uranus in the 6th House woman has a distinctive personality. She is self-confident, likes to be original and she is certainly an individualist with her independent manner.

She will rarely mix with other women, although she can be friendly to people in general. She will not usually reveal her emotions freely.

Her life may have a secret and solitary aspect, which could provoke insecurity within her, or it could lead her to seek ways of diverting attention from herself onto others.

The Uranus in 6th House woman is a strong person, with a determination like no other. She’s not afraid to push the boundaries and challenge what she knows, what society wants, and what is generally accepted.

She’s also only too happy to break down barriers that hold people back from true happiness.

Born under Uranus in the 6th House you are likely to have strong individuality and charisma. You are an original thinker and able to see issues and problems from a different perspective.

You may also be quite rebellious using whatever means you have available to achieve your goals at any cost.

They are busy and often very successful. These people have a strong sense of justice and are often attracted to professions in which this is displayed.

Uranus represents all that is modern, progressive and inventive. Because of its position in the house of service, the Uranus in the sixth house person is interested in healing or helping professions such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

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I’m including information about Uranus on the descendant. The following is shared from here:

Uranus opposite Ascendant in the natal chart is also called Uranus conjunct Descendant or Uranus Setting. This aspect mainly affects your relationships and usually makes them exciting, unusual or controversial in some way.

You may be attracted to independent types of people because you prefer your own personal freedom. You may prefer to associate with eccentric, progressive or unorthodox people, or you may marry a scientist, computer geek, rebel or astrologer.

You may have more than one marriage but that is not a rare thing these days. However, with Uranus setting in your chart there is a tendency to get bored with normal, average people. If your partner is not stimulating enough then affairs or separation may be your only options.

Relationships can be a source of anxiety and stress with unexpected surprises, separations, erratic behavior and arguments. Even Hugh Hefner, with this aspect under one-degree orb was surprised to find his first wife had cheated on him just before their marriage.

So it is common to have several marriages with this aspect but you can also have a fulfilling long-lasting relationship if you find the right person and are that way inclined. Sexual experimentation or roleplaying and toys are other ways to keep your relationship fun and exciting.

Unorthodox relationships with unusual partners can cause friction within your family or gossip in your community. However, it is important that you express your individuality through relationships otherwise you would feel stifled and unsatisfied.