This document is a key to understanding the current big lie world

The English government gifted someone else’s land based a pretext which hadn’t been maneuvered into existence yet. Then people like Adolf Eichmann were cornered into fulfilling that pretext. It was a clear violation of this document to play the game that way but when someone has their own massive money machine, they clearly have no need to honor their end when it comes to deals. This is why I was never willing to make a deal with them. They don’t honor their end.

I’m being bullied and discriminated against as retaliation for my honesty. My enemies have subverted the system to the degree that they can get away with any crime. How can I and the rest of humanity survive such a collapse of justice?

When an obvious agent told me out of nowhere that she is “afraid of the Rothschilds”, it made me wonder if that was how she was attempting to cover up who sent her. Then this same person kept returning to me over and over online usually changing her aliases and her strategies in her attempts to take control over me. She is the one who taught me all about her employers. The fact that she wouldn’t leave me alone told me so much. Her employers cannot have the public understanding them. They also have money like no one else has.

The writer of the following document seemed to know exactly what was about to happen, don’t you agree? I’m trying to show how incredibly dangerous it is to the rest of us to let so few have so much power over so many. Secretive financial rulers have absolutely no accountability and nothing to fear from law enforcement as long as we continue to allow it to continue like this.