Astrology Report: With a Sagittarius moon, we’re most interested in what’s just, fair, and true.

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Tuesday, MAY 17

The Moon spends the day in Sagittarius. With this Moon sign, we’re most interested in what’s just, fair, and true. We’re open and generous, and we thrive on good camaraderie. With our great optimism, we don’t allow obstacles to bring us down. We’re not inclined to dwell on the negative, although we can miss much if we overdo this tendency to the point of avoidance.

Retrograde Mercury forms a semi-square to Venus tonight, and our words may not reflect what’s in our hearts. As we try to get the words just right, we could fall short with sensitivity. We may be in two minds about a matter–decisions can be hard to come by. Nevertheless, we’re making an extra effort to cooperate.

We’re also heading toward a Mars-Neptune conjunction, exact early tomorrow–a transit that occurs approximately every two years. With Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, we’re seeking inspiration. At the same time, concentrating on practical concerns and affairs may be challenging. We act on our intuition, our fantasies are intense and in the foreground, and our creative impulses are potent.

Either we consciously pull back, or our energy levels lag temporarily under this influence. There is a strong need to release pressure and tension. We may actively seek situations that inspire us or aim to put our fantasies into motion. Creative pursuits that involve physical movement are highly favored and could provide excellent outlets for excess, undirected energy.

This Mars-Neptune influence favors dancing, swimming, acting, magic, photography, arts, and entertainment. There can be much energy building inside of us, but we may not yet know where we want it to take us, or if we do, how to get there!

A description of the symbols can be found at

This is my natal chart showing the current transits. I plan to discuss it tonight on the stream.

This is Napoleon’s natal chart.