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Sunday, MAY 15
Venus aligns with Chiron this morning, and it’s a time to express compassion or forgiveness. We may feel drawn to problem areas so that we can repair them. We more readily see the beauty in human weaknesses and the pain of growing, healing, and restoring. It’s a solid time to build trust in relationships and see each other’s potential, although the process might feel challenging in spots.
This afternoon, the Sun forms a square to Saturn and a sextile to Neptune. With this combination, it can be challenging to know where to put our time and energy. It can be all too easy to avoid or deny and accumulate guilt in the process. We should watch for taking on responsibilities that we then regret. Our commitment to others can temporarily interfere with personal comfort levels or relationships. We face obstacles, but this puts us in the position to recognize our ability to overcome them. Ideally, we face reality or the practical side of a situation and assume more responsibility while also attending to our need for imagination. A Lunar Eclipse will occur shortly into the day tomorrow, amping up emotions.
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