Nuestra Balada De Luis Fonsi

Luis Fonsi is one of the artists featured on the album Spanish Model.

Luis Fonsi es uno de los artistas que aparecen en el disco Spanish Model.

Letra de «Nuestra Balada» (Luis Fonsi)

Antes de que de pronto salga el sol
Antes de que te obligue irte el dolor
Aun tengo tantas cosas por decir
Pero solo una cosa por pedir
Devuélveme este beso por favor

Si nada fue perfecto entre tu y yo
Quizás no fuiste tú, quizás fui yo
Aunque parezca es cierto nuestro amor
Se que en este desierto habrá una flor
Devuélveme este beso por favor

Yo sé que estás enamorada
Yo se que aun recuerdas nuestra balada
Si hay un te amo en tu mirada
Ya no me importa nada
Me importa nuestro amor
Devuélveme este beso por favor

Volvamos a querernos como ayer
Ya no nos queda nada que perder, lo vas a ver
Porque entre tu y yo
Hay que hacerle caso al corazón
Nadie va a quitarnos este amor
No hay porque negarlo, escúchame por favor
Porque entre tu y yo
Hay que hacerle caso al corazón
Nadie va a quitarnos este amor
No hay porque negarlo, escúchame por favor

Yo sé que estás enamorada
Yo sé que aun recuerdas nuestra balada
Si hay un te amo en tu mirada
Ya no me importa nada
Me importa nuestro amor
Devuélveme este beso por favor

English Translation

Lyrics of "Our Ballad" (Luis Fonsi)

Before the sun suddenly rises

Before the pain forces you to leave

I still have so many things to say

But only one thing to ask

give me back this kiss please

If nothing was perfect between you and me

Maybe it wasn't you, maybe it was me

Although it seems true our love

I know that in this desert there will be a flower

give me back this kiss please

I know you're in love

I know you still remember our ballad

If there is an I love you in your eyes

I don't care about anything anymore

I care about our love

give me back this kiss please

Let's love each other again like yesterday

We have nothing left to lose, you will see

Because between you and me

You have to pay attention to the heart

No one is going to take this love from us

There is no reason to deny it, listen to me please

Because between you and me

You have to pay attention to the heart

No one is going to take this love from us

There is no reason to deny it, listen to me please

I know you're in love

I know you still remember our ballad

If there is an I love you in your eyes

I don't care about anything anymore

I care about our love

give me back this kiss please